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Rủ rê đi Bụi Cambodia (7 - 14/11/2010)

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Do đã lỡ kế hoạch đi Cam từ tết con Hổ, rồi lại hủy chuyến tháng 10 do tham lam muốn ở lại HN coi kỉ niệm 1000 năm Thăng Long, nên i em di dời chuyến đi Cam sang tháng 11, vé đã book, sếp cũng đã kí giấy cho nghỉ, mọi thứ cũng chuẩn bị đầy đủ nhưng mà còn có mỗi một mình i em từ HN đi nên thấy cũng hơi buồn,em lập topic này xem có bác nào hứng thú thì nhập đoàn đi cùng em cho vui.

Em xin được trình bày lịch trình và hoàn cảnh sơ bộ của em như sau
Từ HN vô SG, chơi 1 đêm ở SG, sáng hôm sau mới đi Cam. Em dự định đi 8 ngày 7 đêm, từ SG đi Cam qua cửa khẩu Mộc Bài, đến Phnomphenh rồi đi Siemriep luôn hoặc chạy thẳng SR, chơi ở SR khoảng 3 ngày rồi đi Sihanouk Ville, sau đó về Phnomphenh, còn thời gian thì sẽ lang thang ngắm nghía PP cho đỡ áy náy, ko thì sẽ về thẳng SG, có thể chơi bời ở SG thêm chút rồi bay ra HN, sáng hôm sau đi làm bình thường.
Hiện em mới có 1 mình và 1 ông anh ở SG, nhưng ông anh ko đi đc 7 ngày, chỉ định đi SR rồi về SG :( Các bác xem có join đc thì join cùng i em cho vui, lang thang 1 mình cũng hơi buồn (ít nhất là hok có ai chụp ảnh cho + buôn chuyện cho miêng đỡ bị kéo da non - hehe)

Lịch đi của i em: Tối 6/11: có mặt ở SG, sáng 7/11 đi Cam, tối 14/11 có mặt ở SG và bay ra HN chuyến bay đêm.

Hoan nghênh các bác !
Thanks bác vuanui nha, toàn hàng đẹp (c)
@: Chị Sinh ơi nghía được đôi giầy nào chưa, em nhìn mà thèm chẳng lẽ lại tậu thêm đôi nữa:">

Thích lắm nhưng mà toàn giầy nam cỡ 41, 42... chắc chị cho 2 chân vào 1 chiếc quá!!!
Re: Rủ rê đi Bụi Cambodia (7 - 14/11/2010) - Siem Reap - Sleeping

d: double room
dm: dorm beds
f: family rooms
r: rooms
s: single rooms
ste: suites
tr: triple rooms
tw: twin rooms.

1 single room: 2 people can live in.
1 room: 4 people can live in
1 double room: 4 or 6 people
1 triple room: 6 or 8 people
1 twin room: 4 or 6 people

Siem Reap - Sleeping

Touts for budget guesthouses wait at the
taxi park, Phnom Krom (where the fast boat
from Phnom Penh docks) and at the airport.
Even if you have not yet decided where to stay
in Siem Reap, do not be surprised to see a
noticeboard displaying your name, as most
guesthouses in Phnom Penh either have part-
ners up here or sell your name on to another
guesthouse! This system usually involves a
free ride into town. There is no obligation to
stay at their guesthouse if you don’t like the
look of it, but the ‘free lift’ might suddenly
cost US$1 or more.
Apart from the guesthouses listed here,
many places around town offer rooms from
US$3. Many offer small discounts for those
planning longer stays.


Popular Guesthouse (Map p120 ; 963578; chom@camnet
.com.kh; r US$3-14; ai) Popular by name, popu-
lar by nature, this ever-expanding guesthouse
has more than 70 well-tended rooms. There’s
a rooftop restaurant with great food.
Mandalay Inn (Map p120 ; 963960; www.manda
layinn.com; 148 Sivatha St; r US$7-20; ai) Promising
Burmese hospitality meets Khmer smiles at
this smart lodging with spotless rooms plus
free wi-fi and a rooftop gym

Shadow of Angkor Guesthouse (Map p120 ;
964774; www.shadowofangkor.com; 353 Pokambor Ave;
r US$8-25; ai) Boasting a choice setting in a
grand old French-era building overlooking
the river, this friendly place offers budget fan
rooms, affordable air-con and free internet.
Downstairs is a bustling riverfront restaurant
with happy hours from 5pm to 9pm.
Other options near the market:
Ivy Guesthouse 2 (Map p120 ; 012 602930; r US$6-
8) An inviting guesthouse with a chill-out area and bar, the
Ivy is a fun place to stay.
Red Lodge (Map p120 ; 012 707048; www.redlodge
angkor.com; r US$6-12; ai) Hidden in a maze of
backstreets. Rooms are bright and spacious. Prices include
free bicycles, but not to keep!


Garden Village (Map pp142-3 ; 012 217373;
www.gardenvillage-angkor.com; dm US$1, r US$3-12; ai)
This sprawling place offers some of the cheap-
est beds in town; choose from eight-bed dorms
or US$3 cubicles with shared bathroom. The
bargains don’t stop there, with US$0.50 beer
available at the rooftop bar. Nice.
Smiley Guesthouse (Map p120 ; 012 852955; r
US$6-15; a) One of the first guesthouses to
undergo a hoteltastic makeover, this place has
more than 70 rooms set around a flourishing
garden courtyard.
Sala Bai Hotel & Restaurant School (Map
p120 ; 963329; www.salabai.com; r US$10-25; a)
Immerse yourself in the intimate surrounds
of this training school hotel, where the super
staff are ever-helpful. Rooms include silk
wall hangings, woven throw pillows and
wicker wardrobes.
A few more friendly, family-run options:
Naga Guesthouse (Map p120 ; 963439; naga_gh@
hotmail.com; r US$4-10; a) One of the original budget
crashpads, extras include a pool table and free wi-fi.
Mommy’s Guesthouse (Map p120 ; 012 941755;
r US$4-15; a) This homely villa has large rooms with
air-con, as well as cheap digs with cold showers.


Jasmine Lodge (Map p120 ; 760697; www.jasminelodge
.com; NH6; r US$2-15; ai) Offering a home away
from home, this long-running guesthouse
boasts cheapies with shared bathroom and
a range of smarter options. The elevated bar-
restaurant includes a pool table.
 Earthwalkers (Map pp142-3 ;  012
967901; www.earthwalkers.no; off NH6; dm US$5, s/d from
US$9/12; ais) The original backpacker
hostel in town, Earthwalkers just got better
thanks to the signature ‘footprint’ swimming
pool. Dorms include breakfast and private
rooms come with fan or air-con to suit all
budgets. Popular bar-restaurant, plus great
travel information.
Phoum Khmer Guesthouse (Map pp142-3 ; 965197;
[email protected]; off NH6; r from US$15;
ais) Barely scraping into the budget
category, this attractively designed guesthouse
has expressive rooms complete with silks and
smart fittings.
More, you want more? Try these:
Prince Mekong Villa (Map pp142-3 ; 012 437972;
www.princemekong.com; s/tw from US$4/6) Satisfied
guests buzz about the range of services provided here: free
laundry, breakfast, bicycle and good travel info.
Hello Guesthouse (Map p120 ; 012 920556; r US$4-
15; a) Linked to Okay Guesthouse in Phnom Penh, the
rooms here are tempting value. The restaurant includes
handy Khmer phrases plastered all over the wall.


Mahogany Guesthouse (Map p120 ; 760909; proeun@
online.com.kh; Wat Bo St; r US$5-15; ai) There’s
still a hint of mahogany in long-running
Mahogany Guesthouse. Hit the old house for
cheap rooms or continue to the newer block
for rooms with whistles and bells. Good travel
info available.
Rithy Rin Villa (Map p120 ; 800488; rithyrin_villa@
yahoo.com; r US$8-15; a) A large modern villa in a
quiet part of town, the Rithy Rin is a friendly
spot with a good range of rooms, all with TV,
fridge and hot water.
Angkor Thom Hotel (Map p120 ; 964862; Wat Bo St; r
US$10-15; a) Consistently good value, this place
is a cut above the guesthouse competition.
Satellite TV, fridge and hot water are standard
and the prices drop as the stairs rise.
And the budget beat goes on…
Rosy Guesthouse (Map p120 ; 965059; Stung Siem
Reap St; r US$7-15; a) Sensibly priced rooms here, plus
it’s not far to the bustling bar downstairs.
Wat’s Up Guesthouse (Map p120 ; 012 675881; r
US$8-15; ai) A smart new place with a memorable
name in a quieter part of town.
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PHNOM PENH •• Sleeping

There are two popular backpacker strips, one
along the eastern shore of Boeng Kak and
the other around the long-running Capitol
Guesthouse along St 182 and St 111, just west
of Monivong Blvd. The area around Boeng
Kak has improved considerably, but the
rooms in these guesthouses are pretty basic
compared with elsewhere in the city. For those
who have seen enough of their fellow travel-
lers to last a lifetime, there are several smaller
guesthouses spread across the city.


Most of the lakeside guesthouses are built
on wooden platforms over Boeng Kak, a se-
riously polluted body of water that no-one
should swim in, however much they have
drunk or smoked. The guesthouses used to
be rickety shacks with dodgy planking, but are
now more solidly built, with great communal
areas to while away the day. For some it’s like
ex periencing Ko Pha Ngan in the city, only
Boeng Kak isn’t quite the Gulf of Thailand.
Unfortunately, this whole area is slated for
redevelopment and work has already started
on pumping out the lake. This will be a great
loss to Phnom Penh, as this area has a unique
vibe, so enjoy it while you can. Sunsets over
the lake are not to be missed whether you are
staying here or not. Valuables should be kept
in lockers, as most rooms aren’t very secure.

Number 10 Lakeside Guesthouse (Map p79 ;
012 725032; 10 St 93; r US$2-8) This stalwart on
the lake has some bargain rooms with share
bathroom or bigger rooms with hot water
and cable TV. The drinking and dining area
(smoking and joking for others) is a mellow
place to hang out, and there’s a boozy boat
docked offshore.
Number 9 Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 012 766225;
9 St 93; r US$3-8; a) The very first lakefront
guesthouse is still a popular place thanks to
its blooming plants and billowing hammocks.
There are more than 50 rooms, but be selec-
tive as some are shabby.
Grand View Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 430766; St
93; r US$4-10; ai) Thailand meets Vietnam,
with boxy rooms à la Bangkok housed in a
tall, skinny structure à la Saigon. Upper floors
involve a real hike, but the views of the lake
are unrivalled.
Other places worth a flutter among the
many up here:
Same Same But Different (Map p79 ; 012 263332;
11 St 93; s/d/tr without bathroom US$2/3/4) More like
same same but the same. Comfortable beds and an invit-
ing lounge.
Floating Island (Map p79 ; 012 551227; 11 St 93; r
US$5-9; a) Rooms are much like everywhere else, but
there is a great double-decker terrace for a serious view
of the sunset.
Simon’s II Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 012 608892;
St 93; r US$10-15; a) This big wedding cake of a villa
is home to the smartest rooms near the lake, including
satellite TV and a bathroom.


Another budget accommodation area starts
near Psar O Russei and heads south along a
network of backstreets.
Narin Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 982554; touch_narin@
hotmail.com; 50 St 125; r US$2-10; a) A long-running
family place, this still offers some real budget
deals, but rooms are quite basic. There is a
relaxed terrace for taking some time out.
Dragon Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 012 239066;
238 St 107; r US$5-10; a) A friendly little guest-
house, all rooms here include cable TV and
bathroom. There is also a lively balcony res-
taurant with an international menu.
Narin 2 Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 986131; 20 St 111;
r US$3-12; ai) More like a hotel, Narin 2 is
located just a few blocks away from the Narin.
Spring Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 222155; 34 St 111;
r US$6-12; a) An unfortunate typo on its card
says ‘bland new building’, but it’s all about
interior comfort and this place has bright,
spotless rooms, complete with cable TV.
Long-term discounts available.
Sunday Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 211623; 97 St 141; r
US$5-15; a) Rooms have been upgraded here,
but not prices, making for a fine deal. The
friendly English-speaking staff can help with
travel arrangements.
Sky Park Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 992718;
78 St 111; r US$6-20; a) One of a new breed of
smart guesthouses in this part of town, the
Sky Park is a real bargain for such cleanli-
ness and comfort. Air-con starts at US$10
and all rooms have cable TV and hot water,
and there’s even a lift.
Good Luck Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 012 882936; 74 St
115; r US$6-20; a) Almost an identikit of the Sky
Park, but maroon rather than orange.
Other good spots in this area:
Tat Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 986620; 52 St 125;
r US$2-10; a) A friendly, family-run place with cheap
and cheerful rooms, plus a breezy rooftop restaurant.
Capitol Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 724104; capitol@
online.com.kh; 14 St 182; r US$3-16; ai) The original
guesthouse in town has several annexes with good-value
rooms and a bustling café with travel info.
The King Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 220512; www
.thekingangkor.com; 74 St 141; r US$3-25; ai) The
range of rooms is as wide as the king’s girth (that’s Elvis,
not Sihamoni!) and there is a huge restaurant and travel
centre downstairs.


Other guesthouses are spread evenly across
the city.
Okay Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 012-920556; St 258; r
US$2-15; a) Okay is more than OK thanks to a
popular restaurant, an appealing garden, great
rooms and the best backpacker vibe beyond
Boeng Kak. Budget rooms start with share
bathroom, and top whack brings air-con, TV
and hot water.
Top Banana Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 012 885572;
www.topbanana.biz; cnr Sts 51 & 278; r US$5-13; a) In a
great location on a popular corner opposite
Wat Langka, this place has a rooftop chill-out
area above the dust. Cheap rooms have a share
bathroom, while the more expensive include
brisk air-con.
Royal Guesthouse (Map p79 ; 218026;
91 St 154; r US$6-12; a) This old-timer has been
given a major facelift, with smart rooms,
sparkling bathrooms and tasteful dec-
oration. In a good location, there is also a
café-restaurant here.
Dara Reang Sey Hotel (Map p79 ; 428181;
[email protected]; 45 St 13; r US$6-16; a)
This long-running place has good-value
rooms, and the family here really look after
the staff.
The Last Home (Map p79 ; 012 831702; 21 St 172;
r US$6-20; a) Recently relocated to a dapper
new building behind Wat Ounalom, Last
Home has a loyal following among regular
visitors. Added extras include cable TV and
newish bathrooms.
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KOMPONG SOM PROVINCE •• Sihanoukville - Sleeping

Serendipity Beach
There are lots of guesthouses along the water,
on Serendipity St and along the Road to
Serendipity. Some are on land leased from the
military police, an arrangement that may en-
sure their survival as nearby areas are snapped
up by investors.
Monkey Republic Bungalows (012 490290;
[email protected]; Road to Serendipity;
r US$7) A favourite hang-out of the young
backpacker crowd, this establishment has
26 bright-blue bungalows (12 of them added
in 2007) set around two banana-shaded gar-
den courtyards. All have simple furnishings,
mozzie nets and verandas.
Mick & Craig’s (012 727740; [email protected];
Road to Serendipity; r US$8-20; a) Attached to a res-
taurant of the same name, this guesthouse has
16 simple, eminently serviceable rooms with
mosquito nets. In the heart of Serendipity’s
dining and nightlife strip.

Occheuteal Beach
A five-minute walk from Serendipity,
this area’s budget places offer solid value
for money.
Sovann Phoum Guesthouse (012 504537; 1
Kanda St; r US$5-12; a) This family-run place,
set around a quiet paved courtyard, consists
of 17 well-kept, compact rooms with tile bath-
rooms. The guesthouse will arrange free pick-
up at the bus station if you call ahead.
Koh Meas Guesthouse (934337; kohmeas@hotmail
.com; 23 Tola St; r US$8-13; a) Opened in 2007, this
laid-back, family-run guesthouse – the name
means ‘golden island’ – has 12 rooms (more
are planned) with simple but serviceable bath-
rooms. Air-con rooms have hot water.
Lucky Guesthouse (016 837146; 23 Tola St; r US$8-
15; a) A step up in terms of comfort and
security from most budget establishments,
this family-friendly place is quiet except when
Prime Minister Hun Sen’s helicopter lands
next door. The 26 rooms are fairly large and
come with practical decor. Singapore-accented
English spoken.

Otres Beach
Star Bar Bungalows (934245; www.starbungalow.com;
bungalow US$10) Lapping waves are the loudest
sound you’ll hear at Star Bar, where the eight
rustic bungalows – with cement floors, grass
mat walls, thatch ceilings and mosquito nets –
are just 10m from the waterline. Situated
1.4km south of the Queen Hill Resort.

Victory Hill
Rainy Season Guesthouse (092 583372; rainyseason
[email protected]; r US$5) Attached to a restau-
rant with décor reminiscent of Tahiti, this
French-run guesthouse, named after an
album by the American singer-songwriter
Elliot Murphy, has just four very basic rooms;
prices include breakfast, so they’re really
almost free.
Sunset Garden Guesthouse (012 562004;
d US$5-10; a) Run by an enthusiastic woman
in her late 50s, this spotless, family-run hos-
telry, in an Italianate house surrounded by
a neatly tended garden, has 16 spacious and
spotless rooms.
Bungalow Village (012 490293; bungalowvillage@
hotmail.com; r US$5-10) Set in a parklike, hillside
garden shaded by tropical trees, this complex
is just 200m from the beach and has an old-
fashioned chill-out zone and nine basic bun-
galows with wood-plank walls and glassless
windows; the more expensive bungalows
come with sea views.
Blue Frog Guesthouse (012 838004; www.blue
froghotel.com; r US$12-30; a) This quiet wooden
house, just up the slope from Victory Beach
(‘three minutes down, 10 minutes up’), is
run by a friendly Swedish-Thai couple. Its
seven rooms – wooden upstairs, cement and
tile downstairs – have bright bathrooms and
king-size beds.

City Centre
These places are a two-minute walk from the
bus station.
Angkor Inn Guesthouse (016 896204; angkor
[email protected]; Sopheakmongkol St; r US$5-10; a)
Cheap and a little bit gloomy, this is a firmly
established budget deal. Large TVs and
small bathrooms are standard, as are super-
soft foam mattresses. The best rooms have
street-facing windows.
Freedom Hotel (012 257953; Sopheakmongkol St;
d US$5-12; a) Behind the bright-yellow façade,
the whole 20-room place feels a bit jerry-
rigged and the halls could use some sprucing
up, but the set-up is quite functional and each
room is fairly large and has a fridge. Has a
restaurant with hearty Western breakfasts.
Guests get a free beer at the downstairs bar.
Small Hotel (012 716385; thesmallhotel@
yahoo.com; r US$10-15; ai) Neat and organised
in the best Scandinavian tradition, this super-
welcoming guesthouse – run by a Swedish-
Khmer couple – has a cheerful lounge and 11
spotless rooms, all with air-con and fridge; the
US$15 rooms also have hot water. The giant
spider on the wall above the lounge is made
out of old weapons bent and welded into art.
Often full, so book ahead.
Last edited:
d: double room
dm: dorm beds
f: family rooms
r: rooms
s: single rooms
ste: suites
tr: triple rooms
tw: twin rooms.

1 single room: 2 people can live in.
1 room: 4 people can live in
1 double room: 4 or 6 people
1 triple room: 6 or 8 people
1 twin room: 4 or 6 people
Last edited:
Dear all,

Tình hình là có 2 bạn có vấn đề đột xuất về công việc... không thể tham gia hành trình 7 ngày khám phá Cambodia cùng chúng ta được.

Đó là:
1. A. Vũ - bạn Judy - B từ Sg
2. Bạn Lợi - Nick: LittleLove - B từ Quy Nhơn,

Tuy không tham gia được nhưng bạn Lợi vẫn rất nhiệt tình tìm thông tin về GH & Hotel + úp lên Topic cho cả đoàn tham khảo.
Judy rất cảm ơn sự nhiệt tình của Lợi, Lúc nào có dịp ra HN nhớ alo ọp ẹp nhá :)

Hi vọng là sẽ có những chuyến đi đồng hành cùng nhau trong tương lại nhá.
Các đồng chí ơi, nghe đồn ở cửa khẩu Mộc Bài phía VN có cái siêu thị miễn thuế đồ Châu Âu đẹp lắm, ko biết lúc về qua đó có ghé vào thăm quan được không nhỉ? Mình hem có tiền nhưng mà có tinh thần muốn xem, hi hi.
Hi cả nhà,
Sáng nay mình có trao đổi với bạn Judy rồi, bây giờ lên diện kiến cả nhà. Mình xin 2 suất:
1. Trần Thị Ngọc Trâm, Huế, nick yahoo: [email protected], 0914 54 96 97
2. Nguyễn Thị Loan, HN
Rất vui vì được tham gia cùng các bạn.
Cố Vobeftu ý kiến hay đấy, mình cũng thích đi nhiều nơi co gì hay mua cho em be nhà mình
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